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Controlling Servo Motors
Servo motors are quite common among hobbyists since they are very easy to interface and control, especially with the arduino library. They are designed with both the control circuit and the actual motor embedded inside a little box with 3 exposed wires (red: 5V, black: GND, yellow/orange: signal) ...
Using a TPLINK router as an Ethernet / Wifi shield
In this tutorial, we will use a TPLINK router to connect the Tunisuino to the internet. These are very low cost routers, we got one at 50 TND. They are usually marketed as 3G traveler routers but we will show you how to use it to control the Tunisuino from across the globe using an ethernet or wifi connection.
Turning the Tunisuino into a Makey-Makey
A Makey-Makey is a device that makes possible to turn ordinary objects into touch swiches. You can play piano with bananas or play Mario with a clay joystick or turn a hand drawn sketch into a touch sensitive keyboard. You need just to touch an object and set your computer reaction...